18th Btn A.I.F. Living History Group Australia 1915-1918
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Who are we?

Our group depicts a typical Infantry unit based in France & Belgium between the years of 1916 to 1918.
We can on occasion do a Gallipoli display if we have a special request, but we primarily focus on the Western Front.

We try to 'Live the History' of the AIF of the Great War. Our group is open to all individuals to join as well as family groups as all aspects of early 20th Century life is encouraged to be re-enacted.

We are also including WWI German soldier impressions as well as they were a part of the big picture so to speak.

If you wish to be a soldier you will need a NSW shooters permit if you wish to use & carry a rifle. We are run as a military unit & have a rank structure in place, that really does work.

If you decide to join us please understand that unless there are 'special' circumstances you will join as a 'private' & will NOT be allowed to wear oversas service stripes or the brass 'A' worn by Gallipoli veterans, this is because these men were rarely seen by 1917-18 which is our particular time period . You will earn each service stripe for each year of service in the unit until you reach 4 years in the unit. You will also have to have a military sytle haircut if you wish to be a soldier, there are no exeptions for this :-).

Help keep the Anzac spirit & memory alive.

The 18th Btn is always on the lookout for new members, whether you wish to be a soldier, civilian or nurse, all are welcome.  we expect you to try to equip yourself within a year. We of course will provide you with contacts & as much help to get your 'kit' including loaning what spares we have.

You must be over 18yrs & be willing to apply for a NSW shooters permit. Please click the link above to send us an E mail to find out more. Remember EVERYONE is welcom & including families.

This is some of the lads from the 18th Btn during the 'Legacy' TV add shoot in 2009.

WW1 WebRing Art

This World War I Reenactor's Web Ring site is owned by Graham Brissett

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Contact me about joining or potential displays


If anyone out there has any footage on computer of WWI Anzacs could they forward it to me please?? Thank you.
Send an email to us